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August 20th, 2024

6:00 P.M. Philipsburg Townhall


Council in attendance: Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Daniel Reddish, Scott Lyons, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, John Laigaie. Council absent: Gary Fujinami. Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Foreman Ed Roseboom, and Jim Jenner.


CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.



Public Comment Non-Agenda and Agenda Items

- Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes.

No Public Comment


Minutes of Prior Meeting

-August 6th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the minutes from Aug. 6th, 2024, with corrections, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Lagoon Pay App. #4

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve to pay the Lagoon Pay App. #4, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills Payable

-August 6th  –  19th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion approve the bills payable for Aug. 6th – 19th, 2024, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


All other Bills Payable

Councilman Sundstrom made a motion to approve all other bills payable en masse’, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



-July 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the July 2024 financials, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Journal Vouchers

-July 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the journal vouchers for July 2024, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Sewer Lagoon Update

Mayor Reddish gave an update on the Lagoon Project.

  1. The first lagoon cell has been filled.

  2. The second lagoon cell is half full.

  3. The Sagar System has water running through it.

  4. Change Order #3 has been submitted for the Scada.

Councilman Sundstrom made a motion for to approve the Change Order #3 and to have the Mayor sign the Changer Order when it is finalized, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion was passed unanimously.


Water Update

Foreman Ed Roseboom consulted with Engineer Brad Koon about replacing the water mains on three separate blocks in Town. The Engineering will cost approximately $15,000 per block. 

Mayor Reddish gave an update on the water projects.

  1. Notice to Proceed has been signed for the Silver Springs Project.

  2. Work should begin on the Silver Springs Project next week.

  3. Task Order #3 is ready to be signed.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the water project Task Order #3, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Stormwater Update

Great West will have a presentation on the storm drain at the Public Hearing on August 22nd, 2024.



Town Website and Email (

Councilman Lyons updated the Council on the domain.

  1. The domain has been approved.

  2. All Town officials and employes will have a .gov email.

  3. Eric Bunting will be submitting a quote on building the Town website.




Mayor Reddish will have a meeting with Uda Law on the finalization of the PSC.  Mayor Reddish will be meeting with Brad Ballius to discuss a Bear Aware Day in September.


Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction

Jim Jenner spoke to the Council about the accomplishments of the Fire Department.

  1. This year is the 50th anniversary of the Clam Feed.

  2. In 2007-2008 a fire protection agreement was signed with the County.

  3. The Whiskey Flats subdivision donated a $100,000 water tender.

  4. In 2009 mill levy failed

  5. 2010 mill levy passed

  6. 2011-2012 Fire department participated in fire safe – 481 inspections were conducted

  7. 2012 FD went from a class #7 rating to a class #6 rating.  The residents an approximate $75,000

  8. Satellite station was placed on Skalkaho Road

  9. Solar System was set up to offset the utility bills

  10.  In 2020 FD went from a class #6 rating to class #5 rating

Mayor Reddish stated that the FD is running very well, however the only change is the cost of everything has gone up and the Town needs to find a way to budget for the extra costs that aren’t covered by the mill levy.

Councilman Lyons stated that mill levy is bringing in $25,000 a year. Currently the loan is just little over $20,000 a year, which is leaving just under $5,000 to pay for the utilities and upkeep of the building.  The Town is $10,000 over budget this last year on the cost of running the building. Councilman Lyons stated that the Town appreciates everything that the FD does for Town.  The Town Council needs to have an understanding with the FD and how to proceed with the Town budget. The Town Council wants to do everything possible to help the FD.



Councilman Lyons made a motion to adjourn, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


*** In addition to the regular attendance at Town Hall, the Town will be using the video                 conferencing service


Meeting ID: 6165576972

© 2024 Town of Philpsburg MT

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