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August 6th, 2024

6:00 P.M. Philipsburg Town Hall


Council in attendance: Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Gary Fujinami, Mayor Daniel Reddish, Scott Lyons, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, John Laigaie. Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor, Foreman Ed Roseboom, Jen Walters, Jack Foster, Pat Clayton, Mary Mann, Kristin Vicedomini, Tamara Walden, Mathew Vonklemdrfz, Micheal Ayers, Peter Chmielewski.


CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.




Public Comment Agenda and Non-Agenda

Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes.

-No Comment


Micheal Ayers – Building Proposal

Mayor Reddish introduced Micheal Ayers to the Council.  Micheal is from Missoula, and he bought property in Philipsburg about 20 years ago. Micheal Ayers owns lots 1 & 2 of the Wilson Addition.  Micheal would like to develop these lots into two single family homes with access from Beta and Brown Street.  Micheal needs approval to receive an address for his property.  Foreman Ed Roseboom stated that the lots are in a good place to develop.  The water main runs under Alpha Street and Micheal would be able to tie into that line.  The sewer main was replaced three years ago on Brown Street.


Thank Patrick Clayton for cleaning up Bear Park

Mayor Reddish thanked Patrick Clayton for cleaning up and beautifying Bear Park.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to present Patrick Clayton with a certificate of appreciation from the Town of Philipsburg, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.




Sheriff Dunkerson submitted a monthly report to the Council.


Public Works Foreman

Foreman Ed Roseboom submitted a monthly report to the Council. Ed stated that the bearproof trashcans were placed at Zane’s Park.


Town Clerk

No Report.


Minutes of Prior Meeting

Councilman Lyons made a motion approve the minutes from July 16th, 2024, with corrections, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Payroll 7/19/24 and 8/5/24

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve payroll from 7/19/24 and 8/5/24, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills Payable

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve bills payable from 7/17/24 – 8/5/24, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Lagoon Pay App #4

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve Lagoon Pay App #4, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


All Other Bills Payable

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve all other bills payable en masse’, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Water and Sewer Adjustments June and July 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the water and sewer adjustment for June and July 2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting

Sewer Lagoon Update 

Mayor Reddish stated that he was pleased with the progress that is being made at the Lagoon. Special Projects Maureen Connor stated the Montan Department of Commerce (MDC) will be in Philipsburg in September to check out the Lagoon Project.  Maureen also stated that this would also be a time for the Council to have another tour of the Lagoon. Change order #3 will be submitted for the Scada System. The contingence money will be used to pay for this change order.


Water Update

  1. The Geotech report for the Tank Project should be completed by the end of the month.

  2. Triple Tree Engineering is working on the pipeline PER

  3.  WET is reviewing the existing information on the ground water PER

  4. Thursday August 8th, 2024, Groundwater PER meeting at 11:00 am

  5. Dam Inspection cost share was approved by the DNRC.

  6. Dam Inspection follow up will be September 30th, 2024.

  7. The Town received the DEQ permit for the Silver Springs Project.


Stormwater Update

  1. August 22nd, 2024, Public Hearing on Stormwater PER at 6:00 pm.

  2. Next step will be to adopt a resolution on the Stormwater PER.



Change Order Broadway Montgomery

The Broadway Montgomery change order was due to having to replace an extra 130 feet of pipe that wasn’t originally expected to have to be replaced.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the change order for the Broadway Montgomery Project, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.





Councilman Laigaie stated that the deer permits are about to expire, however FWP will be issuing new permits by the end of the week.  Councilman Laigaie said that he needs to gather information on any interaction that the Sheriff’s Office has had with deer, along with the public’s interactions.

Purple Heart Day is August 7th. George Washington was the first President to give out the Purple Heart Award in 1782.  The Purple Heart is the oldest medal awarded.

Councilman Fujinami consulted with Ed about the new shop building, and they determined that the cost of the building will be too much at this time. 

Councilman Lyons stated that the Town received approval on the .gov domain.  Eric Bunting will be submitting a quote to the Town to build the new website.


Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction

Matt Vonklemdrfz inquired about how many deer will be culled.  Councilman Lyons stated that there are about 200 head of deer in Town.  The Town has had reports of dogs being killed by deer and people being attacked.  The deer also attract larger predators to Town. Mayor Reddish stated that FWP sets the limit on how many deer can be culled at a time. Mayor Reddish also stated that the deer culling is about thinning the herd out.



Councilman Lyons made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


*** In addition to the regular attendance at Town Hall, the Town will be using the video                 conferencing service


Meeting ID: 6165576972

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