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January 16th, 2024

6:00 P.M. Philipsburg Townhall


Council in attendance: Jason White, Gary Fujinami, Scott Lyons, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, John Laigaie, Mayor Daniel Reddish, Carl Sundstrom (online). Others in attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor, Great West Amy Deitchler (online), NBC MT Josh Margolis (online), and Larry Holmes.


CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.




Public Works Foreman Update

Forman Ed Roseboom submitted a report for Public Works.


Minutes of Prior Meeting

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/2/2024 with corrections, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/4/2024 with corrections, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/9/2024, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/11/2024 with corrections, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills Payable

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to pay HDR invoice #1200585891 in the amount of $5461.76, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to pay HDR invoice #1200586892 in the amount of $2885.51, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to pay HDR invoice #1200586893, with the exception of the invoice not being previously paid, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to pay HDR invoice #1200586894 in the amount of $601.51, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Fujinami made a motion to the Granite Co. Courthouse in the amount of $8000.75, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the claims payable for 1/2024, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed to unanimously.



Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve payroll from 1/5/2024, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the financials from 1/2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Journal Vouchers

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the Journal Vouchers for 1/2024, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Sewer Lagoon Update

The Town’s grant administrator at Great West has taken a new job.  Craig Erickson will be taking over as the new grant administrator for Great West.


Water Update

Special Projects Maureen Connor is going to put in for an extension on the CBDG grant that applies to the transmission line.


Resort Tax

Special Projects Maureen Connor presented a slide to the Chamber on 1/16/2024. Next Meeting will be 1/18/2024 at 9:00 am. Maureen and Mayor Reddish will work on a press release on the Resort Tax to inform the public.



Lagoon Bid Award – Action Item

Amy Deitchler informed the Council that Missouri River Contractors had the lowest bid with additives. Missouri River Contractors have built Sagers in the past and she is confident in their work.  Maureen wants to make sure that there is enough money to monitor for one year.

Councilman Lyons made a motion of notification for intent to Missouri River Contractors with additives #2 and #3, under the contingency of SRF $1.2 million, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


SRF – Action Item

Councilman Lyons made a motion for the admin to start applying for the SRF in the amount of $1.2 million, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


NorthWestern Energy- Action Item

Uda Law drafted a Resolution to terminate NITSA with NorthWestern Energy (NEW) and Philipsburg Public Schools and to become a default customer with NWE.  Mayor Reddish read the resolution. Councilman Fujinami made a motion to approve the Resolution with adjustments to the wording, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Facebook page for the Town of Philipsburg

Councilmembers attended training provided by MSU at the Granite Co. Courthouse.  The training discussed disseminating information to the public and getting the Community more involved.  Councilman Lyons will do some research on the past Town Facebook page. The option of having an updated Town Facebook page will be discussed at the next meeting.



Chamber Meeting- Resort Tax Discussion - January 16th, 2024, at 8:00 am Townhall

Resort Tax Working Meeting – January 18th, 2024,

9:00 am – 10:30 am




Councilman Lyons was invited to Rotary on 1/18/2024.

Councilman White informed the Council that the fire alarms had been going off at the School and this was due to the cold weather.

Councilman Lyons informed the Council that the Town has a penalty bill from the IRS.  Clerk Rachel Parret will be checking into the matter.


Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction

Larry Holmes stated that the snow was piled up in front of some business blocking the parking spots.




Councilman Lyons made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 pm, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

© 2024 Town of Philpsburg MT

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