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Subject                                                                   Chapter

Building Codes................................................................ 1

Utility Inspection Permits.............................................. 2

Dangerous Buildings (Rep. by Ord. 2008-5,

9-2-2008)    ............................... 3

Floodplain Building Regulations..................................... 4


























December 2008

Town of Philipsburg




9-1-1                                                                                                                   9-1-1











9-1-1:               Building Codes Adopted




9-1-1:               BUILDING CODES ADOPTED: If the town does not adopt any buildings codes, then all state building codes are hereby

fully adopted herein by this reference: these are the building  codes  amended and adopted in the administrative rules of Montana title 24,  chapter 301, as amended. These said building codes include, but are not limited to:


  • International buildingcode;


  • International existing buildingcode;


  • International residentialcode;


  • International plumbingcode;


  • International mechanicalcode;


  • International firecode;


  • International energy conservationcode;


  • National electricalcode;


  • International fuel gascode;


  • Safety code for elevatorsand escalators;


  • Safety code for existing elevators and escalators;and


  • Safety standards for platform lifts and stairway chairlifts.(Ord.

2008-5, 9-2-2008)






December 2008

Town of Philipsburg






9-2-1                                                                                                                   9-2-1
















Utility Inspection Permit Required Water, Sewer Line Connections

Separate Lines, Connections Required Penalties




























It is hereby provided that before any permanent structure  of  any type, including, but not limited to, any buildings, trailer houses, tents, fences, patios, decks, stairs, or the like, is constructed or set  up in any fashion, the property owner shall first submit a completed application with the town clerk and obtain a utility inspection permit signed by the director of public works. This utility inspection permit is also required for any permanent structure currently on the property that is substantially moved or extended.


  1. "Permanent", as used in this section, means it is the intent of the person or persons who constructed or set up the structureto leave the structure in place for over sixty(60) days.


  1. "Substantially moved or extended", as used in this section, is defined by applicable construction industrystandards.


A utility inspection permit is required for each building project reviewed by the director of public works, and a building project may include more than one structure so long as structures are  on the same or adjoining lots owned by the same property owner or owners.



  • The utility inspection permit fee shall be paid, in full,tothetown clerk prior to the issuance of the said permit. All subsequent utility inspections made on the same property or any adjoining property, if owned by the same property owner, shall be completed atno






December 2008

Town of Philipsburg


9-2-1                                                                                                                   9-2-3


charge. The amount of the utility inspection permit fee will be set by resolution of the town council, which may be amended from time to time.


  • A utility inspection permit application may be obtained from the town clerk during regular business hours, and the completed application shall be signed by the applicant and submitted to the town clerk with the permit fee. The applicant may be the propertyownerorhis agent. (Ord. 2008-5,9-2-2008)


  1. WATER, SEWER LINE CONNECTIONS: Prior to a utility

inspection permit being issued by the town, the permit  applicant must provide the director  of public  works, in  writing in  the form of a detailed map, where the buildings or structures are to be located and specifically where the water and sewer lines will be connected and serviced by the town water and sewer systems. (Ord. 2008-5, 9-2-2008)




  • It is the requirementforallnewconstructionaswellasthe installation of any further and additional sewerand waterserviceson any existing premises that there be separate and distinct sewerand water connections andservicelinestoanyunitsincludingany multiple residential units, such as apartment buildings,duplexes, business places with separate operators and proprietors, etc. This requirement shall apply to multiple use situations createdby

purchase of any portion of an existing structure.


  • It is the intent of this section to require separate and distinct sewerand water service lines and connections with individual controls thereon to obviate the problems created by multiple separate userson single meters and single service lines. (Ord. 1026,8-3-1982)



  1. PENALTIES: Any person who shall build or cause to be built any structure within the corporate town limits contrary to the

provIsIons of this chapter has acted or is acting unlawfully  and  shall  be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day a person is in violation of this chapter  shall be construed as a separate misdemeanor offense. (Ord. 2008-5, 9-2-2008)









December 2008



Town of Philipsburg


9-3                                                                                                                         9-3








(Rep. by Ord. 2008-5, 9-2-2008)



















































Town of Philipsburg


December 2008





9-4-1                                                                                                                  9-4-1


















Permit Required Specifications

State Law Incorporated Exception

Severability Penalty






9-4-1:               PERMIT REQUIRED: Within the tentatively designated floodplain area of the town, no new construction, substantial

improvement to an existing structure or moving or  demolishing  of  an existing structure shall be allowed unless the person, firm or corporation engaged in such construction, improvement, moving or demolishing  has been granted a building permit by the town council authorizing one or more  of these enumerated activities with reference to a particular building or structure.


  • The applicant for such permit, as part of his or her application, maybe required to submit to the town council such documentation as it may require to show that new construction or substantialimprovement to existing structures will be reasonably safe from flooding.


  • The applicant for such permit, as part of his or her application, mustsubmit a record of elevations (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures located in the special flood hazard areas. Ifthelowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the elevation of the floor immediately above must also berecorded.


  1. The town clerk shall maintain for public inspectionandfurnish upon request the said record of elevations. The town councildirects









Town of Philipsburg


December 2008


9-4-1                                                                                                                   9-4-5


the town clerk to maintain for public inspection and to furnish upon request a record of elevations as specified in this subsection.


  1. Small outbuildings such as toolhouses, storage sheds and the like are exempt from the requirements of this subsection B. (Ord., 3-9-1976)



9-4-2  :              SPECIFICATIONS:


  • Within the tentatively designated floodplain area of the town any proposed new construction or substantial improvement (including prefabricated and mobile homes) must: 1) be designed (or modified) and anchored to prevent flotation, collapse orlateralmovementof the structure; 2) use construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage; and 3) use construction methods and practices that will minimize flooddamage.


  • New or replacement water supply systems and/or sanitary sewage systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharges from the systems into floodwaters, and on site waste disposal systemsmust be located so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during flooding. (Ord.,3-9-1976)



  1. STATE LAW INCORPORATED: The town, by this reference, fully adopts herein all laws, rules and regulations applicable

to floodplains as provided in Montana Code Annotated title 76, chapter  5  and the administrative rules of Montana title 35, chapter 15. (Ord. 2008-5, 9-2-2008)


  1. EXCEPTION: This chapter does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that

were begun before the effective date hereof. (Ord., 3-9-1976)



  1. SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this chapter is declared unconstitutional, or the applicability thereof to any person or

circumstance is held invalid, the constitutionality of the remainder of this chapter and the applicability thereof to other persons and  circumstances shall not be affected thereby. (Ord., 3-9-1976)








December 2008



Town of Philipsburg


9-4-6                                                                                                                  9-4-6



  1. PENALTY: Any applicant for a permit as herein provided who shall violate  any provision  of  this chapter  shall  be  guilty of a

misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not  to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by being  jailed in the town  jail for a period not to exceed six (6) months, or both such fine and jail. (Ord., 10-2-2007)

















































December 2008

Town of Philipsburg

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