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May 21st, 2024

6:00 P.M. Philipsburg Townhall


Council in Attendance: Mayor Daniel Reddish, Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Scott Lyons, Lorraine Dell-Bishop, John Laigaie. Council Absent: Gary Fujinami. Others in Attendance: Clerk Rachel Parret, Special Projects Maureen Connor, Foreman Ed Roseboom, Amelia Wood (online), Elena Gagliano (online), Justine Richmond (online).


CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reddish called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.




Public Comment Agenda and Non-Agenda Items

Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction. Public Comment will be limited to 3 minutes.

No public comment.


Standing Reports

Minutes of Prior Meeting

-May 7th, 2024

Councilman Sundstrom made a motion to approve the May 7th, 2024, Minutes, Councilman Lyons seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills Payable

-Claims May 8-20, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the May 8-20, 2024, Claims, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


-Approve Lagoon Invoice #1

Councilman Lyons made a motion to pay Missouri River Contractors invoice in the amount the $567,555.18, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Foreman Ed Roseboom asked if there was a breakdown of the invoice that he could review. 


-Approve All Other Bills Payable

Councilwomen Dell-Bishop made motion to pay All Other Bills Payable en masse, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.

Councilman White made a motion to Table the Nexom bill, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



-May 20th, 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the May 20th, 2024, Payroll, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



-April 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the April 2024, Financials, Councilwomen Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Journal Vouchers

-April 2024

Councilman Lyons made a motion to approve the April 2024, Journal Vouchers, Councilman Sundstrom seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting

Sewer Lagoon Update

Special Projects Maureen Connor gave an update on the Lagoon Project.  1.) The June pay application will be the largest one year to date. 2.) May 21st, 2024, will be inspection day on the Lagoon will funders. 3.) May 21st, 2024, a construction meeting at 1:00 pm will be held at the Lagoon. 4.) May 21st, 2024, Army Corps Engineer meeting at 3:00 pm.


Water Update

Special Projects Maureen Connor gave an update on the water projects. 1.) The Town is working with HDR on the Springs Pump Project and the Tank Project. 2.) The Tank Project is projected to go out to bid in June. 3.) HB 355 grant is still in the approval process. 4.) Triple Tree is working on a PER for the Fred Burr Pipeline. 5.) WET is working on the Ground Water PER with the option of obtaining ground water with wells/


Stormwater – Special Meeting

June 10th, 2024, at 1 pm Pre-Draft Meeting. Stormwater video will be reviewed by Council.



Award Silver Springs Pump Project – Action Item

-Motion to Award, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

Councilman Lyons made a motion to postpone the bid award until June 4th, 2024, Councilman White seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


Award Broadway/Montgomery Project - Action Item

-Motion to Award, Second Motion, Public Comment, and Vote

Councilman Laigaie made a motion to award TCS Northwest the contract for the Broadway/Montgomery Project, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.



Special Project Maureen Connor gave an update on the grant schedule. 1.) Grant season has passed for this year. 2.) No grants were submitted this season. 3.) The Town does not have enough funds to match the grants. 4.) No current PERs to submit for grants.)






Councilman Sundstrom asked if more street signs will be put up around Town. Foreman Ed Roseboom stated that we are waiting for the next budget season to order more.

Mayor Reddish asked about the FAQ’s on the Resort Tax being sent out to the public.  Councilwomen Dell-Bishop is working on having them sent out by May 24th, 2024.

Mayor Reddish read a letter from Attorney Greg Overstreet on the MCA 2-3-214(1).

Joint Session meeting will be held May 30th, 2024, at the Philipsburg Townhall 6:30 pm.



The Council allowed Public Comment at this time due to the recent change on the agenda.

Elena Gagliano notified the Council that a letter had been sent out to certain residences in Town on the Resort Tax. Elena had received several calls in and around the Town of Philipsburg concerning a letter stating that if you don’t vote for the Resort Tax that they will be sorry. The letter gives the Town’s phone number as a reference. Elena told the residences to call the Townhall.  Elena stated that there is something not kosher with the letter.

Mayor Reddish asked for a copy of the letter.

Justine Richmond stated that the letter Elena Gagliano referenced came from a local property management company. Justine also stated that the property management company was pressuring their tenants to vote for the Resort Tax or the Town will be lined with porta potties if it doesn’t pass. The Townhall’s phone number is on the letter. The letter states incorrect information and does not state that the property management company is affiliated with the Political Action Committee according to Justine.

Councilman Lyons stated that he is aware of who the property management company is and that he would obtain a copy of the letter.  Councilman Lyons also stated that if the property management company spends less than $250, they are fine.

Foreman Ed Roseboom stated that the Vote No Signs are placed on public right away and need to be removed according to the Political Action.



Councilman Lyons made a motion adjourn at 8:40 pm, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.


*** In addition to the regular attendance at Town Hall, the Town will be using the video                 conferencing service


Meeting ID: 6165576972

© 2024 Town of Philpsburg MT

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