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May 16th, 2023

7:00 P.M. Philipsburg Town Hall


Council in Attendance: Mayor Daniel Reddish, Gary Fujinami (video), Carl Sundstrom, Jason White, Scott Lyons (video), Lorraine Dell-Bishop, and John Laigaie.  Others in attendance: Town Clerk Reed Speegle, Rick McGill, Cyndi McGill, Larry Holmes, Elena Gagliano (video), Gwyneth Hyndman (video), and DuWayne Ulrich (video).


Rick McGill – Animal Shelter Proposal

Rick McGill gave an update on the proposed project.  He had spoken with the County about soil testing near the proposed site.  He talked in greater detail about the animal control officer position in regards to what that would entail as well as what it would cost.  Mayor Reddish asked to be informed of the DEQ results on the soil testing.  Rick then talked about how it could be financed and was hoping the Town and the County would contribute.  Councilman Sundstrom suggested looking at a levy to fund the project.  Mayor Reddish said it would come up in discussion during the budget process and that he would also reach out to the Congressman Fitzpatrick to see if there were any funds available for this type of project.


Minutes of Prior Meeting

Councilman Sundstrom made the motion to approve the minutes from 5/2/23, Councilman White seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Bills Payable

Councilman Sundstrom made the motion to approve the bills payable, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


Councilman Laigaie made the motion to approve the financials, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Journal Vouchers

Councilman Laigaie made the motion to approve the journal vouchers, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.



Sewer Lagoon Update

Mayor Reddish stated that he would speak with Amy at Great West and also that he thought the SWPPP permit would end in June.

ARPA #2 Contract

Mayor Reddish told the Council that he had signed the contract digitally.

County Dump Lease

Mayor Reddish talked about the negotiation over the duration of the contract and the County was amenable to 20 years.  The County also wanted to look at payments for special events.  There was a discussion among the Council concerning this type of fee structure but it was not in the proposed contract.  There was then a discussion concerning the ownership of the land and who was subject to what in the future if conditions changed. Councilman Lyons made the motion to set the contract at 20 years, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and it was approved by majority.  Councilman Sundstrom voted against the motion.  The Council then talked about the fees and some other clerical issues.  Councilman Lyons made the motion to add $0.00 in to the lease agreement to specify that there would be no payment made from the Town for dumping, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.  Councilman Sundstrom made the motion to table the vote until the Town could get clarity on future lease modification questions, Councilman Laigaie seconded the motion, and it was approved by majority.  Councilman White voted against the motion and Councilman Lyons abstained from the vote.

Courthouse Drain Project

Mayor Reddish spoke with the Commissioners and they were not ready to make a decision the project yet.



Preferred Professional Services List Resolution

Mayor Reddish read the resolution.  Councilman Lyons made the motion to approve the resolution with some added verbiage suggested by Town Clerk Reed Speegle, Councilman Laigaie seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Councilman Sundstrom made the motion to approve the Master Service Agreement from Triple Tree Engineering, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Great West Engineering Task Order 2 – Water Project Grant Administration
Councilman White made the motion to approve the task order, Councilman Fujinami seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Addendum to Library Interlocal Agreement

Mayor Reddish gave some background on the situation.  Councilwoman Dell-Bishop explained that it was an insurance issue.  Mayor Reddish read the agreement.  Councilman Laigaie made the motion to approve the addendum, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.


Public Works Foreman Job Description

Councilman Sundstrom talked about the process up to that point in trying to figure out the position.  Mayor Reddish stated that a current employee was interested in filling a foreman position assuming he could stay in the Union.  Councilman Fujinami made the motion to create a working foreman supervisor position, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Union Contract

The Council talked about an upcoming meeting with a Union representative to update the Collective Bargaining Agreement on May 23rd.

HB 724 Discussion

Councilwoman Dell-Bishop talked about the bill that had passed in the previous legislative cycle concerning public posting of Council meetings.




Mayor Reddish informed the Council that the Town was now accepting CC payments for utility bills.  There was a discussion among the Council about the fees as well as how to notify the public.

Councilman Sundstrom talked about the Town’s website and Councilman White suggested that it be put on a future agenda.

Councilman Laigaie explained why the flags were at half-staff.

Public Comment on Matters within the Town Council’s Jurisdiction

Larry Holmes asked a question about the new public works role.


Councilman Sundstrom made the motion to adjourn at 8:44, Councilwoman Dell-Bishop seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

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